Agriculture As a Key Solution To Carbon Capture?
Anthony Leiserowitz, Director of the Yale Project on Climate Change Communications at Yale University posted a short article on LinkedIn...

Preparing Plants for Growth in Warmer Temperatures
According to ScienceDaily, "Researchers have discovered a new gene that enables plants to regulate their growth in different...

White House and Department of Agriculture Announce Partnerships With Farmers and Ranchers to Address
On April 23, 2015, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced what the Obama Administration has called a "comprehensive approach to...

"Megadroughts"...A Stark Reminder of Why Raising Fields Is Essential For Food Security
On February 12, 2015, the Earth Institute at Columbia University published, "Warming pushes U.S. toward driest period in 1,000 years:...
Hurricane Resistant Domes
The geodesic dome was selected to sit atop an elevated Southeastern Florida landscape for a reason...the structure is hurricane...

CNN Money Lists Agricultural Biotech as One of the 6 "Hot" Businesses That Benefit From Global Warmi
Companies that protect agriculture are included in the article. The article amplifies the message: Climate change, and sea level rise in...

How Florida Public Policy and Business Can Embrace Raised Fields
One key provision of existing Florida law is material to the discussion about next generation agricultural practices in the era of sea...

Reconstructing Land In Louisiana...Lack of Funding Is Helping To Sink The State
One football field of land is being lost every 48 minutes in Southeastern Louisiana, according to Pro Publica and The Lense in an...

Bangladesh Farmers Elevate
The World Bank, in a post entitled "Communities Find Solutions to Tackling Climate Change in Flood Hit areas in Bangladesh," dated...

Every Florida Acre Is Precious
Florida land broker Ben Crosby, writing in AG Professional on December 8, 2014, asked, "Florida: Where did all the farmland go?"...